Tempus Fugit
Time travel is quite an interesting subject. Whether you go to the past or the future, there always seems to be something interesting to witness, or so they say.
Now in reality the mundane and everyday activities should be interesting enough for me to pick a destination, that being said I think that ancient Rome is quite possibly my best bet.
Now understanding the existence of slavery and all that I will make this tough experiment from the perspective of a privileged citizen of Rome, rather than a slave.
For starters, I think that the food of that era would be pretty palatable for me, except for the ample use of "garum", a kind of fish sauce used in roman cuisine. Other than that I think the Mediterranean diet and the access to wine would make my stay quite a pleasant one.
Apart from eating I think that I would love to visit the public bath, beautiful marble and mosaic adorning the walls and floor of the heated pools, sculptures, and the sensation of equality, albeit one that still accepts slavery, are things that intrigue me a lot.
Another thing that I would love to see is gladiatorial games, even though I can't stomach the violence and blood, I think that being able to witness such a historically relevant custom is a must.
Finally, the roman experience would not be complete without a celebration, plenty of food, wine, and everything else, to provide an unforgettable evening.
I think that I wouldn't stay there though, there's too much that links me to my current time, and not coming back could leave my loved ones worried sick.
The specific time I would have to pick is around 98 A.C., during the rule of emperor Trajan, it is said that it was the apex of roman life, and was named "Optimus princeps"(Best ruler) by the Senate.
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